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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Affordable Car Insurance Quote -- Tips For Big Savings

You can get high value coverage without breaking the bank. All you have to do to achieve this end are little bits of information (Put into good use). Let us get into the ideas you need to attract more affordable rates...

1. Do your best to always drive carefully. You'll be making a smart decision to stay away from the wheels once you take alcohol.

Driving while drunk, even if slightly will make you attract very expensive rates if you're lucky or be made to be without car insurance if you're not so lucky. Even little things like speeding tickets do add up to make you pay higher rates over time. Therefore, if it's against traffic laws, avoid it no matter how negligible it may appear to be at the moment.

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2. A multi-vehicle discount is a smart and easy way to enjoy lower rates. However, there are several cases where you'll save more by buying from different insurers. Doing some shopping and then comparing with what you'll save with a multi-vehicle discount is an easy way to be sure if this serves your best interest. But if you don't plan to shop around, you can rest assured that you'll still save reasonably with a multi-vehicle discount.

3. You'll as well get a reasonable discount if you have more than one policy with the same insurance carrier. That's, for example, if you purchase your auto policy from the same insurer that caters for your home owners' insurance.

However, I must point out that you might NOT be saving as much as you might by switching. It's worthwhile that you do comparison shopping. Once you do this, you won't be guessing as you choose which to do since you know for sure which saves you more.

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4. Policyholders who don't make claims for above three years generally get a discount for it. But don't be alarmed if your agent tells you your car insurance carrier does not offer this discount.

If your insurance provider is one of the few who don't give this discount tell them without mincing words that you will switch to another provider. As a matter of fact, you should leave them because you'll almost always get a better deal with another company if you've kept a clean slate for this number of years.

But more often than not the threat of leaving from you will be enough to force them to make an exemption.

5. Folks who due to their level of understanding keep either collision or comprehensive coverage or the two for an old vehicle that isn't classified as a classic are painfully spending a lot more than should. A car's Kelly Blue Book value at point of making claims (and not the value of the car when you bought it) is what controls what you'll get from an insurance provider. So even if you have paid your premiums diligently for years but the Kelly Blue Book value shows your vehicle has zero value, you will get a dime from your insurance provider and they will be completely protected by the law.

So, stop wasting your money. If your vehicle gets old, discontinue collision and comprehensive coverage on it. This simple step will save you much and not compromise you at the same time.

6. Increase your deductible and you will enjoy lower rates. It is good advice to have a deductible that's as high as possible but always within easy reach for you.

I must stress that expected to make this amount available if you ever file a claim.

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7. Your rate is seriously determined by your total mileage. Therefore do all you can to leave your car wherever you have a viable option. This is relevant more to people whose occupation and location make it easy for them to use public mass transit networks.

You can also reduce your mileage by carpooling.

8. You can realize savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by getting insurance quotes from quote sites. The best method is to visit not less than five sites and ensuring that you provide the same (correct) details.

I recommend that you visit not less than five quotes sites because it will make it less likely that you'll miss out offers not presented by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing better comparisons thus increasing your chances of better quotes.

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