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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Auto Insurance -- Things That Will Help You Save Considerably

There are a lot of options open to anyone who wants to get affordable insurance. However, a number of them might leave you slightly compromised. But in this article, I'll share several time-tested ways of paying less while you maintain sufficient coverage....

1. If you have collision and/or comprehensive for an old vehicle that isn't a classic, then you are spending much more than you should. A vehicle's Kelly Blue Book value at the time of making claims (and not the cost of the vehicle when you bought it) is what controls what you'll get from your insurer. Therefore, you'll get nothing if this book says that your car isn't worth a dime at the time of a claim.

So, do yourself a favor and leave out these types from your auto insurance policy for all old vehicles. If you do this you'll make big savings.

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2. A number of insurance companies will hand you a discount if a child on your auto insurance policy goes to college and doesn't use the car within that time frame. If this this is the case with your kid in college then do not forget to tell your agent about it. While you're encouraged to try, you must bear in mind that this is not one of those standard discounts that all insurers offer.

3. You might bring down your rate if you re-assess your auto insurance policy every once in a while. The plain explanation for this is that details about us change frequently without us even being aware of them. A perfect example is a situation where someone leaves their wedded daughter on their policy for months or even a few years simply because they did not remember.

Also, there are discounts you might now be eligible for. There are also coverage types that no longer do you any good.

It would, as a matter of fact, do you a world of good if you revisit your insurance policies up to twice yearly. You might discover a few things that are no longer needed and make savings when you drop them.

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4. Electronic Funds Transfer (abbreviated as EFT) is a simple way to reduce your rate. This authorizes your bank to credit your insurance provider with your premium payments without any intervention from you until you stipulate otherwise. This eliminates administrative costs like those involved in sending payment notices. This is why this attracts more affordable premium.

5. You'll save by being loyal to an insurer due to the long term discount and accident forgiveness which they give to long-standing policy holders. Depending on the insurer, you'll be eligible for a discount of 5% once you've stayed with them for between three and five years.

Furthermore, if a long term policy holder files just one claim, most insurers will NOT raise their rates thereafter. Insurers offer these as incentives to keep you with them since it serves them better too. The longer you stay, the more you'll save.

However, what you may save by switching to another insurer might far outweigh all the incentives you'll get depending on what your rates are and how much another insurer is ready to offer.

let'ssay, for example, that you are given a 5% (or $125) discount after your third year with an insurance company where you current auto insurance rate is $2,500.

But because of inflation, insurers may have to make adjustments in their rates to show such changes. But while you are at it, some other insurer could be ready to give you a rate of $2,000 or less at the moment. In such a case, it is of no value to continue because you are after a loyalty discount much later when you can pay less at the moment.

Moreover, in most cases, most folks will actually pay a lot less than they are presently on auto insurance if they do extensive shopping.. Considering that the process of obtaining and comparing auto insurance quotes takes just minutes, I will wonder why you will not do that instantly and get cheaper auto insurance rates straight away.

6. Add-ons like towing raise your premium without giving you as much value as using a towing service. By the way, your credit card might already offer this as a benefit so check.

Even if yours does NOT add this kind of service, a dedicated towing service from a third party will serve you better and save you more than adding towing to your auto insurance policy.

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7. The internet makes the cost of doing business low. Expect to save up to 15% (when compared to what you'll pay if you went to a physical office) if you get your quotes and buy your policy online.

Therefore, as much as you can, buy your auto insurance policy online.

While you do this make sure you give correct details. If you try to cheat you'll lose big time on the long run (Your insurer will be covered by the law if they cancel your policy on the grounds that you misrepresented facts).

Furthermore, verify from your state's department of insurance that they you're buying from a reputable company that's licensed to sell this policy.
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