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Friday, November 13, 2009

Cheaper Motor Car Insurance -- Advice For Massive Savings

Contrary to what you might have thought, it's a lot easy to get a lower rate. All you need to achieve this end are little bits of information (that you'd have to implement, though). Let us now look at a few sure-fire ways to get better rates...

1. Do your utmost to always drive carefully. You'll be making a wise resolution to always avoid being behind the wheels if you take alcohol.

Traffic offences that are related to having more than the allowed level of alcohol in your blood invariably make you attract quite astronomical rates. And don't overlook those speeding tickets because they cost you a lot more than the fine you pay. They add up to raise your rate. For your safety then and more affordable rates, never break any traffic law despite how negligible you think it is.

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2. Folks who have more than one vehicle will make reasonable savings if they insure them all with the same insurer. It It's advisable to insure all your cars with the same insurer unless you have a better bargain for some of your cars with another insurance carrier. You can ensure you are choosing the best in your case by doing serious comparison shopping. Insuring more than one vehicle with the same insurer will always give a good discount.

3. Having several policies with one insurance carrier as well gets you a considerable discount. That is, for instance, if you get an auto policy from the very carrier that caters for your homeowners' insurance.

Nevertheless, I must emphasize that you might NOT be saving as much as you could by switching. Shopping around for quotes and comparing them with savings you'd make are very profitable steps. Once you do this, you won't be taking a blind leap as you choose which to do since know definitely which saves you more.

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4. Staying without making claims will get you a special discount. But don't be alarmed if your insurance agent tells you your vehicle insurance company doesn't give this discount.

Your agent must be made to understand your dissatisfaction with their refusal to give you this discount and don't fail to point out that you might leave for a different insurance carrier. As you well know, every insurer likes having insureds who remain claims free for this long and you shouldn't find it hard landing cheaper rates with many other providers.

Almost all insurance providers will do everything within their powers to ensure they do NOT lose a prized policyholder and this will likely lead to a concession from them.

5. Folks who because of their level of knowledge buy either collision or comprehensive coverage or both for an old vehicle that isn't regarded a classic are simply paying a lot more than would do them any good. A car's Kelly Blue Book value at the time of filing claims (and not the value of the vehicle when you bought it) is what determines what you will get from your insurance carrier. So, you'll get nothing if this book shows that your car isn't worth a dime at the time of a claim.

So, do yourself a favor and remove these types from your policy for all old vehicles. This easy tip will save you much and not put you at risk at the same time.

6. You will land a lower rate if you opt for higher deductibles. The right choice is the highest you can provide with some level of comfort.

Just take note that this is the amount you'll have to provide if you file a claim.

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7. Take advantage of every opportunity to avoid driving your vehicle as this will cut down your mileage and, by consequence, your rate. This is particularly recommended for folks who reside in cities with modern mass transit networks.

You can also bring down your mileage by joining a carpool.

8. You will save a lot if you can shop around and do proper comparison. The range of quotes received for a query could be as wide as $1,000 for a particular profile. While this is a good thing, it's important that you don't get too excited yet. It's not normally that straightforward if you're after the best price to value ratio.

The lowest quote may not represent you the best price/value. Notwithstanding that each of the quotes returned will definitely give you the same basic coverage, there could be several differences in the details of each insurer's coverage. This makes it important that you find out if there aren't any exclusions you won't like.

Don't forget to treat these no-obligation quotes just that way. Don't feel you have to pay unless you've got all your questions answered to your satisfaction. You will be spared rude shocks down the road if you do this.

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